1.4 Install AWS command line software for accessing S3 bucket via command line interface

Install AWS Command Line Interface

AWS command line interface (CLI) allow users to download or upload files to your S3 bucket in batch mode. Instructions on how to install the AWS CLI is shown below, note that this is different for different operating systems.

Users can verify if the AWS CLI has been installed properly by runningaws --version.

Set up the configuration file

After the software has been installed, users need to create the configuration file using the template below:

Type aws configure:

$ aws configure

AWS Access Key ID: access_key_ID            ### input user's key ID here (the key generated in section 1.2) 
AWS Secret Access Key: secret_access_key    ### input user's access key (the key generated in section 1.2)
Default region name: us-east-1              ### input the closet geographical location here

Users can verify the contents of the aws configure file by typing "aws configure list".

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